Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Using Personal Networks to Achieve Goals as You Prepare to Leave High School

Getting ready to leave high school can be both exciting and stressful. Young adults with disabilities need to figure out what their interests are and develop goals for the future. Decisions need to be made about where the young adult might live, what kind of job they might have, or where they may continue their education. New life options create opportunities for more decision-making. Although young adults with disabilities may become more independent during this time, the support and encouragement of others remains crucial for success

Here is what you and your family can do...

You and your family can identify and expand your personal networks and think about ways to reach out to them and practice self-determination.

  • Map out your current personal network
    • Use the diagram on the top of Worksheet #1 to make a list of everyone you know. This should include all people that you know well enough to have a conversation with. Include family members, friends, community members such as neighbors, and professionals such as teachers, counselors, employers, and co-workers.
  • Build your personal network
    • Go on a few informational interviews. The goal of this type of interview is to learn about a type of job or a certain company, not to get a job. Informational interviews are an excellent way to explore different interests and jobs while making new contacts. People in your network can help you set up interviews where they work.
    • Join different community groups such as local neighborhood organizations, clubs, religious organizations, or recreational facilities.
    • Volunteer for a cause you believe in, or an activity that interests you.
    • Participate in community events, such as those sponsored by local groups, schools, and libraries.
    • Focus on developing relationships. Establish trust. Spend time doing this before you make specific requests of people.
    • Think about ways that you can help your network members. Offer your help. Remember, you can be helpful to your network members just as they are helpful to you.
  • Reach out to your network
    • Ask for help when you are facing big decisions in your life.
    • Take the time to tell people what you are thinking about, share your goals, and the challenges you may be encountering.
    • Be specific about the ways that you would like people to help you.
    • Ask people in your current network about career ideas, and explain your interests. Network members may know about employment opportunities or be helpful in exploring job ideas with you.
    • Ask people in your network to introduce you, or refer you, to people they know who may be helpful to you. This can lead to new opportunities.
    • Don't be afraid to ask more than once.
    • Realize that members in your network will play different roles and you will not get the same thing from each member.
    • Realize that network members aren't always able to help. There may be times when you ask for help and they are not able to give it to you. This is okay!
    • Keep your network updated on your progress. People like to help and it will make them feel good to know that you are working toward your goals.

You are already exercising self-determination just by reaching out to those you know. Remember, a self-determined person knows what they want and can find the support to achieve their goals! It's up to you to find this support.

You can read the entire article and find planning worksheets here.

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